Sports Facilities

Sports Facilities

Tilden High School Athletic Field

The existing athletic field at Tilden High School in Brooklyn, NY, renovated in 2002, is a multi-function, state of art, multi-million dollar complex which includes a professional, 3 lane circular clay running track, a football field, a baseball field, and an official handball court. The school currently hosts important athletic events at various levels as well as for special community events. Due to the lack of sport lighting, sometimes, important events or long running games would have to be interrupted and abruptly ended.  As a result of these concerns for the athletic programs and events at Tilden High School, DVL designed the system to provide adequate lighting by way of new 70 foot tall lighting poles and all necessary wiring and accessories. 

Lehman High School Athletic Fields

DVL was responsible for this project involving athletic field lighting for Lehman High School in the Bronx, NY.  Lehman High School is currently planning to upgrade their football/soccer field to provide the necessary space to host Varsity football games.  The current field is not large enough for these events requiring the school to remove the track surrounding the field to increase the length.  The field will also be provided with new synthetic turf and stadium lighting to allow for night games for Varsity level athletic programs.  This field will also be modified to include soccer, baseball and softball fields.  The athletic space at this high school also includes tennis courts and handball courts.  These courts were renovated in the scope of this project and will be provided with lighting as well. 

MS 319X

The MS 319 School is a five story school building built in 1919.  The pool, that is the focus of this project, was built in 1955 but has not been used since 1992.  One of the main issues with this pool space is the accessibility.  As it is in a basement in an addition, there is no access for the disabled.  As such, a new street entrance was provided as well as an elevator to service this space and a chair lift for transport from the pool to the locker rooms.  As the MEP systems in the locker rooms were antiquated, DVL’s efforts were extended to the renovation of these locker rooms as well, which included design of all MEP services.  Also, during inspection it was determined that the pool plumbing systems were not compliant with the current health code and that mechanical and electrical systems serving the pool were not functional.  DVL designed new mechanical, electrical, plumbing and fire protection systems for the pool, locker rooms and showers to compensate for these antiquated, nonfunctional systems and to bring these areas up to Code.

Aviator Sports and Recreation Complex at Floyd Bennet Field

Housed at historic Floyd Bennet Airfield, Aviator Sports and Recreation Complex was constructed on the 800+ acre decommissioned airport which is now part of the Gateway National Recreation Area.  This historic airport was once utilized by Amelia Earhart and Howard Hughes and now contains the premier sports and recreation complex in the New York metro area.  DVL Consulting Engineers, Inc. provided full HVAC, electrical, plumbing, and fire protection systems engineering for this facility, which includes a 150,000 sq. ft. indoor facility featuring state-of-the-art ice rinks, basketball courts, multi-purpose outdoor turf fields, a gymnasium, retail shops, food concessions and outdoor recreation fields. The site will host numerous live events such as professional, collegiate, high school, and community supported sports competitions as well as entertainment shows, exhibitions, festivals, expos and summer camps.